When you work with a moving company, you have a lot of options to cater the move to your needs. If you are not ready to completely move all of your items into a home, then you may consider the use of storage units. Along with public storage units, you may find private storage unit rental options available from moving companies.
Check out exactly what a private storage unit rental offers and ways the private unit can help make your move a lot more hassle-free.
When you leave your items in a storage unit and out of your possession, you may worry about the possible theft of valuable items, sensitive items, or family heirlooms. Unlike a public storage unit, people cannot access the units, so you have an increased sense of security. Only employees from the moving company have access to the storage units.
Your items will remain safe and locked down until you are ready for the transition into the new home. The extra layer of security can help you feel at ease while you complete your move. Along with the restricted access, extra security measures help protect the property. The security may include motion-sensor cameras and extra locks.
A private storage unit also includes an indoor setting in most cases. Without public access, the units have no need for easy drive-up access. The indoor setting actually adds a lot of benefits to the items you keep in storage. A climate-controlled unit will help ensure your items stay in mint condition.
You do not need to worry about excess heat or humidity and the impact the weather has on your items. If the weather is poor, you do not need to worry about rain or mud near the entrance of your storage unit. The indoor unit offers full protection for all of your items.
Even if you are forced out of your current home, you do not need to worry about rushing to find a place for your items. With a private storage unit rental, you can select from both long-term and short-term options. For example, you may have a new flooring installation scheduled for a new house. You may not want a couch, chair, and other furniture in the home right away.
A moving company can arrange a schedule to fit your needs. Only certain items can go into a private storage unit while the rest get delivered to your home. Set up the moving schedule to fit your time frame without the need to dump everything in your home all at once.
When you use a private storage unit, you also have access to all of the moving services for the items you keep in storage. For example, moving companies offer a shrink wrap service that adds extra protection to items. Have movers shrink wrap items before they physically move them into a storage unit.
Also consider custom crating for certain items. For example, you may seek crates for use with artwork or antiques. The items get packed into a crate and then are carefully moved into the storage unit. The extra services give you the comfort of knowing your items stay protected while inside the storage unit.
For larger items, a moving company will rely on moving pads to help prevent dings and scratches as the movers place items into the storage unit.
For more information on private storage rental use, contact us at Coffee's Moving and Storage. We offer full-service moves and can help you each step of the way. Our private storage units will keep your items secure and safe.
Phone: (937) 836-4348
Email: info@coffeemovers.com
Our Address:
7561 Jacks Lane, Suite A
Clayton, OH 45315
Business Hours:
Monday – Friday, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Saturday: 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM